Mills DB, Vuillemin A, Muschler K, Coskun ÖK, Orsi WD (2025) The Rise of Algae promoted eukaryote predation in the Neoproterozoic benthos. Science Advances (11), eadt2147 [link; pdf]
Mills DB, Macalady JL, Frank A, & Wright JT (2025) A reassessment of the “hard-steps” model for the evolution of intelligent life. Science Advances (11), eads5698 [link; pdf]
Mills DB, Simister RL, Sehein TR, Hallam SJ, Sperling EA, & Crowe SA (2024) Constraining the oxygen requirements for modern microbial eukaryote diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (2), e2303754120 [link; pdf]
Sperling EA, Boag TH, Duncan MI, Endriga CR, Marquez JA, Mills DB, Monarrez PM, Sclafani JA, Stockey RG, & Payne JL (2022) Breathless through time: oxygen and animals across Earth’s history. The Biological Bulletin (2), 184-206 [link; pdf]
Mills DB, Boyle RA, Daines SJ, Sperling EA, Pisani D, Donoghue PCJ, & Lenton TM (2022) Eukaryogenesis and oxygen in Earth history. Nature Ecology & Evolution (6), 520-532 [link; pdf]
Mills DB & Sperling EA (2022) Marine sponges in the once and future ocean. Global Change Biology (28), 1953-1955 [link; pdf]
Planavsky NP & Mills DB (2021) Global aerobics before Earth’s oxygenation. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5 (4), 407-408 [link; pdf]
Mills DB. (2020) The origin of phagocytosis in Earth history. Interface Focus 10 (4), 1-12 [link; pdf]
Grettenberger CL, Mccauley Rench RL, Gruen DS, Mills DB, Carney C, Brainard J, Hamasaki H, Ramirez R, Watanabe Y, Amaral-Zettler LA, Ohmoto H, Macalady JL. (2020) Microbial population structure in a stratified, acidic pit lake in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Geomicrobiology Journal 37 (7), 623-634 [link]
Cole DB, Mills DB, Erwin DH, Sperling EA, Porter SM, Reinhard CT, & Planavsky NP. (2020) On the co-evolution of surface oxygen levels and animals. Geobiology 18 (3), 260-281 [link; pdf]
Mills DB, Francis WR, Canfield DE. (2018) Animal origins and the Tonian Earth system. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences 2 (2), 197-210 [link]
Mills DB, Francis WR, Vargas S, Larsen M, Elemans CPH, Canfield DE, & Wörheide G. (2018) The metazoan last common ancestor lacked the HIF pathway and respired in low-oxygen environments. eLife 7, e3117 [link; pdf; commentary]
Mills DB & Canfield DE. (2017). A trophic framework for animal origins. Geobiology 15 (2), 197-210 [link; pdf]
Bristow LA, Dalsgaard T, Tiano L, Mills DB, Bertagnolli A, Wright JJ, Hallam SJ, Ulloa O, Canfield DE, Revsbech NP, Thamdrup B. (2016) Ammonium and nitrite oxidation at nanomolar oxygen concentrations in oxygen minimum zone waters. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (38), 10601-10606 [link; pdf]
Mills DB & Canfield DE. (2014) Oxygen and animal evolution: did a rise of atmospheric oxygen ‘trigger’ the origin of animals? BioEssays 36 (12), 1145-1155 [link; pdf]
Mills DB, Ward LM, Jones C, Forth M, Sweeten B, Treusch AH, & Canfield DE. (2014) The oxygen requirements of the earliest animals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (11), 4148-4172 [link; pdf; commentary]
Brown JF, Jones DS, Mills DB, Macalady JL, & Burgos WD. (2011) Application of a depositional facies model to an acid mine drainage site. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77 (2), 545-554 [link; pdf]